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Write an Essay : 'Money causes more harm than good.'

 'Money causes more harm than good.' Express your views either for or against the statement.

Point covered in this essay

  • IntroductionMoney is the cause of most of the problems that plague modern society.
  • Money has an intoxicating effect that goes into the head of its beholder. It makes them arrogant and selfish.
  • Money has also been the root cause of most of the problems that plague society.
  • ' Money makes the Mare go'. Being unduly obsessed with money leads to corruption, crime, ailments and unhappiness.
  • Money brings with it fair-weather friends, sycophants, scheming relatives, professional rivals.
  • Conclusion: Money is essential to give. Need to maintain the right balance, for as we all know 'money can't buy happiness, but neither can poverty.'

"They are sick that surfeit with too much, as they that starve with nothing," said William Shakespeare in his play Merchant of Venice. This very aptly brings out the role of money in our life. Excessive money and wealth bring with it problems of security and mental tension, while not having any, reduces one to penury, making life miserable and not worth living. This is for in today's materialistic world, we have assigned a monetary value to everything. This is the words of Somerset Maugham, "Money is like the sixth sense without which you cannot make complete use of the other five." However, money is not the end of all and be all of our existence. There is no denying the fact that money brings with it prosperity which has a psychological and social dimension. Psychological for the security, self-confidence and sense of accomplishment it gives to the beholder, along with the increase in social and political status. It has an intoxicating effect, making the person arrogant, selfish and insensitive to others. So great is the intoxication, especially in the neo rich, that they bring to hallucinate in self-glory and pride.

Money has also been the root cause of most of the problems that plague society. Financial disputes over it have been known to be a major cause of discord in families, making even siblings sworn Enemies. It arouses negative emotions like jealousy and hatred in the family or friends. In its endless pursuit, people become unhappy and tense which lead to serious medical conditions like high blood pressure eventually causing diabetes, Heart Attack, and brain haemorrhage.

Financial Dispute in the family due to money.

Despite its dubious role in there is no denying the fact, "Money makes the mayor go." It is the biggest and the most effective motivator. Ordinary men have become great and wealthy be in its Pursuit. The rags to the riches stories of Dhirubhai Ambani, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates and the numerous others, bear testimony to the important role in it plays as a motivator. Human progress can, to a large extent, be attributed to one's desire to acquire money and wealth. However, being unduly obsessed with money leads one to indulge in corrupt practices and crime which invariably lead to punishment and unhappiness.

A surfeit of money attracts fair-weather friends, sycophants and scheming relatives. There are also personal and professional Rivals against whom one has to be constantly on guard. This makes life uneasy, insecure and unpleasant.

Undoubtedly money is essential to life. However, its endless Pursuit does more harm than good. This is because the happiness that comes from the love of dear ones, true friends and good health are more lasting and essential and they cannot be purchased. It is therefore essential to maintain the right balance.


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